We think we’re funny, and we think you should know this.

A podcast with Jeremiah (right toast) and gRegor (left toast) recorded late at night — it’s late somewhere — in order to capture hilarious moments.

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003: Just Look at the Mini Cows


Length: 1h 7m 58s
Download (62.2 MB)

Show Notes:

Recorded November 24, 2015
Special guests Isha Schmackers (@indiana_mama) and Sheryl Hugill (@girlvsplanet) join us.
“So it's kind of like the Seinfeld of podcasts”
Thanksgiving plans
Step Grandma
Black Friday anecdotes
TV, Star Wars, and Canadia, oh my!
Board and card games
Sheryl let the dogs out!
What we’re thankful for
Have there been any games that you’ve played that really test your relationships?
Stupid Daylight Saving Time
How not to take pictures of snow
Happy all of the holidays!

002: The Stuff


Length: 1h 0m 54s
Download (55.8 MB)

Show Notes:

Recorded July 15, 2015
We're podcast-official.
Almost talking about Donald Trump.
The "nice" glitch.
We tied a world record.
Canceling each other out.
Now with 10% more um uh.
Baby eats a boy.
Interviewing each other: What exactly would you say you *do* here?
Adventures in moving.
We're so good at this.

001: “Episode 305”


Length: 1h 11m 53s
Download (65.8 MB)

Show Notes:

Recorded April 22, 2015
The internet forgets
Two ships passing in the night
Do you dream of electric dinosaurs?
Promoting other podcasts
Late Night Toast origins
Music we’ve been enjoying: Purity Ring, Big Data, Paolo Nutini, London Grammar, The Ting Tings, Steve Taylor and the Perfect Foil
What are your thoughts on Tom Hanks, alphabetically speaking?
Moving across the country
Video game talk
Steve Taylor and the Perfect Foil Kickstarter video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiYb1PXSFvA
How to smuggle a Canadian
You can do anything